
TEXTILE SCULPTURES  •  My love of textiles occasionally bleeds over into the surrealist sculpture realm and over the years, I have created several textile sculptures. First came the Womb Tent, an interactive womb experience-- complete with glittery vaginal entryway, cozy velvet interior, "Placenta Pillow" to cuddle with, and sound installation to set the mood-- that re-birthed many willing participants at both Market Street Gallery and Femina Potens.  Eventually, the Womb Tent morphed into She, a large divine feminine angel figure who took several forms. In one collaborative incarnation at 17 & Hoff Gallery, Howard Wong created a swirling glow on top of She with projection mapping; She was flanked by giant spools of thread and hanging textile orbs. In another life, She grew giant gauzy wings and blessed Wonderland Gallery with her presence. Let's see what She becomes next...
